woensdag 28 maart 2012

The green grass of home

My mind is full with ideas, stuff i want to do before i am 30, stuff i want to do now, stuff i never want to do again. All spinning around in that upper chamber of mine. The past few weeks have been exhausting because of that crazyness , but now i am trying to fix everything. Bit by bit. Piece by piece. Moving is the most time consuming thing now for me. The last year and a half i found out i am a garden person and that is directly the main problem with were i live now. No garden, no grass, not even a little freakin’ balcony. So time to MOVE! But then all these questions pop up : do i live alone, do i try to move in with people who share there house with others or back home (hahaha just kidding, no offence mom and dad, love you very very much but living together, yeah we are over that)? I think i will go with the second option, price-wise and you never know with what cute guy you might end up with (a girl can dream, no?) So i have planned appointments next week and we will see what comes out of it. All very exciting for me….

dinsdag 20 maart 2012

Closing time

Spring is in town, you can feel it everywhere. Everybody is laughing and eating ice-cream. And finally i have the feeling of ‘closing time’. I can understand that you have a difficult time wrapping your head around it. But let me try to explain to you what, why and where. The last two years have been a rollercoster of emotions, i have been trough every possible state a human being could possibly go trough. If someone would have asked me where i would be or what i would be doing at the age of 25, i would never give you the life i lead now as an answer. Not that i am not happy now, i just never expected it to be this way. It is weird how everything can change so fast , so extreme. I think, now, i just stopped regretting the how and why part. It is not in the books for me to get an answer, so why keep trying? Maybe just let go and try something (or someone) new, no?

And with spring in town, everything seems brighter, lighter and just more fun. So let's just enjoy....

maandag 19 maart 2012


Hooked. Hooked i tell you! That is what i am. Sons of anarchy, my newest addiction. Describtion? It is the sopranos but with a lot of leather, motorcylcles and tattoos. Just the way i like it. One look at jax (played by charlie hunnam) and you will understand, at least if you have boobs. But also katey sagal (yes indeed, mrs. bundy) has a prominent role in the show as a flipped out, crazy rageness, anger issued mom. I promise you. You will not regret starting to watch this serie, only the people you will stop seeing because of it. (photos thanks to www.listal.com)

donderdag 15 maart 2012


Can you feel it coming? It is really in the air. Spring. Sun. ‘Terraskes’ (sorry for the non-Belgian people, but let me tell you, you are missing an important concept in your life!). It only takes a peep outside and you know it.
Do it. Take a look outside and tell me how you feel. Do you feel it? Do you? 

maandag 12 maart 2012

Celebrate good times, come on!

What an amazing weekend it was! First of all, i want to thank everybody who was a part of it. The good kick-off was given on Friday evening with all my girlfriends. Man, those girls can party. There were so many moments in the evening that i just fell in love with them all over again. That is the reason why you can call me a friends-person, thank you very much. And then i did not even mention the gift they got me! The limited edition of the style scrapbook from Kipling, a beautiful black leather camerabag. It was love at first sight. It is officially fixed to my shoulder, never taken it of again!
Saturday was , what i would like to call, a hangoverday. Me and my couch, all day long. That couch, we spent some nice times together allready. And then arrived Sunday, THE day to celebrate. And how the gods loved me yesterday. First springday of the year. We sat outside (not behind glass, really as in ‘you take a chair and put it in your garden and ow yeah don’t forget your sunglasses-weather’)! That combined with a good chocolatecake , homemade by daddy dearest. You can amaging, for me it could not get better than that.
But, today is a new day at work and i am still a bit recovering from everything. But i could not have asked for a better weekend. If my 25th year of life is equally good, then i can not wait for tomorrow or the next months to come….

donderdag 8 maart 2012


Maybe, i should tell you a little bit more about myself. Whoever ‘you’ might be. The most important thing there is to know about me is the fact that i am a dreamer. And then i mean Dreamer with a capital D. You don’t want to know where i have been and what i have done in my head. Or maybe you do, think it depends a little bit on your character. Which brings me to my, what i like to call, healty dose a crazyness. You can not call me normal, or maybe i just refuse to call myself that way.
If we then come to the more practical side of my person , music-wise i was born in the wrong decade, it is just really unfair i think. I talked to my dad a lot about it, blaming him (okay not really), even shouting but it is what it is : i am screwed when it comes to this. No good radiostations, festivals aren’t what they used to be and new bands are, well how can i say this… ‘not my style’.
When you take away the weirdness concerning my music style, i am really a girlie girl. Love drinking coctails in the summer (in the winter too, no worries), reading fashion magazines and watching good chickflicks. And shopping. What a surpise you say? I know!
So, where do i spend my time i hear you thinking. I was born and raised in Leuven and still live there. Small minded you might call it, i just call it home. I lived here all my life. Know the streets by heart and the good places to go. You ask, I know. Want to try? Go! Good place to have a beer? Metafoor. Good places to shop? Mixte, wear, luz de luxe,… Good place to dance? Allee, rumba, … See, we are not that sad (as some might call us).

Want to know more? Keep reading….

Oh yes , happy women-day to all of you out there !

woensdag 7 maart 2012

Hello there

Okay, mmmmmm why am I doing this? To be honest.. I have no idea. I just have the strange feeling to share some stuff with the world. No clue at all if somebody will read this. I can only try , no?

My birthday is coming up, to be correct, this Sunday is D-day. 25, officially. And I have to admit, I am a bit scared. Not of the number itself, I mean it just a number, right? But I have to say, a small quarter-life-crisis is entering my head. Questions pop up in me. And I know they are very typical but still, they are there. A bit exhausting, to be me sometimes.

In what this all will result, don't know. Really no clue. Just wait and see, no?